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Reiki, or Universal Energy is thought to have come from Tibet, where it was practiced as a form of healing by the monks thousands of years ago.

It has been brought to modern use by Dr. Mikao Usui who was born in Japan and who studied medicine ,psychology and religion.  During a meditation, Dr. Usui was given Reiki which is now practised widely around the world.

Reiki is a vibrational system of healing and, through the hands of the practitioner, the client’s energy is returned to balance leading to healing on all levels, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

When the client arrives for a treatment, he/she is covered with a blanket and, when comfortable on the plinth, the practitioner simply places his/her hands on, or above the client, in various non invasive positions. These positions are each held for 3-5 minutes and the whole treatment takes roughly 1 hour.

Reiki is truly a remarkable healing modality and I have many interesting tales to tell of its efficacy.

© Midland Chiropody and Accupuncture
The Willows, Knockshigowna, Ballingarry, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary. E53 VE29 ( 12mins from Birr)