Contact us: Mobile 087 799 0066

We love feet at this clinic and consider it a privilege to bring comfort to tired, aching and sore feet.

podiatry irelandThe most common conditions treated are:

  • Corns
  • Callous
  • Ingrown toenails
  • Thickened toenails
  • Fungal infections
  • Cracked and sore heels
  • Skin problems
  • Verrucae

Assessment, care and advice for clients who are Diabetic and those who suffer from Gout.

We can offer Acupuncture for painful foot conditions, such as Arthritis and Heel Spurs also.

We also advise on correct footwear and provide guidelines for our clients in the purchase of shoes, orthotics and suitable dressings, toe props, toe separators, creams and salves.

With almost 30 years experience and a gentle and caring touch, we know that your feet will thank you and reward you with a light and happy step.

© Midland Chiropody and Accupuncture
The Willows, Knockshigowna, Ballingarry, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary. E53 VE29 ( 12mins from Birr)