Bach Flower remedies were developed by Dr Edward Bach -pronounced ‘Batch’ – who lived in England from 1886-1936. He was trained as a doctor and worked as a pathologist and bacteriologist, but he felt that medicine was not getting to the root of the problem. He learnt about homeopathy, and developed various important homeopathic remedies, but he was still not satisfied, and this led him to develop the Bach flower remedies.
The remedies are based on flowering plants and trees, and are designed to correct inappropriate psychological states. This doesn’t mean that they’re not suitable for physical problems, because Bach believed that there was “a factor above the physical plane which in the ordinary course of life protects or renders susceptible any particular individual with regard to disease, of whatever nature it may be.” (From ‘Heal Thyself’ by Edward Bach). In other words, if you are dissatisfied or distressed, you are more likely to catch a cold or become chronically ill. (more…)
All is well here at the clinic and there’s great excitement about our new website. It has been a pleasure to work with Catherine and Freeda from New Image. They helped to make what seemed overwhelming at the start, a very interesting experience and I’m thrilled that they’ve made the site so beautiful.
Just four more days of work and I’m off to do the Body Talk course. This course promises to be of great value in the treatment of all kinds of dis-eases and I will be looking for lots of practise ……so call me to arrange a treatment in early July.
After that, the next item on the agenda is publicity for the Medical Qi Gong Teacher Training, which will begin in Dublin next year. All the excitement!!
Talk soon